Sunday 22 June 2008

Adorers of the Royal Heart

To support the work of the Institute of Christ the King, Divine Providence has brought about the formation of a community of contemplative nuns dedicated to reparation and adoration of the Royal Heart of Jesus Christ Sovereign Priest. Leading a non-cloistered contemplative life, the sisters offer their daily prayers and sacrifices particularly for the priests of the Institute and the souls entrusted to them.

In June 2004, Ennio Cardinal Antonelli, Archbishop of Florence, vested the first three sisters with their habit. In Spring 2007, they already number nine sisters and four postulants, from France and the United States.

As with the priests and oblates of the Institute, the Adorers of the Royal Heart hold three co-patrons as guiding lights of their spirituality: St. Francis de Sales, St. Benedict, and St. Thomas Aquinas. From St. Francis de Sales' doctrine of Divine Love, the sisters draw the pattern of their vocation, in constant pursuit of growth in Love, always grounded in Truth.

The Benedictine aspect of their charism is reflected in the centrality of the Church's Liturgy, Holy Mass and the Divine Office, carried out in the Classical Roman Rite, around which revolves the rhythm of their daily life. In St. Thomas Aquinas, the sisters find the clarity and structure of thought necessary for their formation and ever deepening understanding of the mysteries of our Catholic Faith. Finally, it is through their principal patroness, the Blessed Virgin Mary under Her title of the Immaculate Conception, that they seek to conform their beings and their lives to the Royal Heart of Her Divine Son; thus their motto -- "In Corde Regis."

Their day is centered around prayer -- Holy Mass and the Divine Office in the Classical Latin Rite, one hour of mental prayer and one hour of adoration in the evening, Rosary, etc. Punctuating this rich life of prayer are periods of manual labor and intellectual training, including instruction in Gregorian Chant, Latin, Spirituality, Philosophy, Theology, as well as the learning of crafts such as sewing, lace-making, and the care of liturgical ornaments and altar linens. As the community expands, it is foreseen that foundations will be made alongside the apostolates of the Institute of Christ the King, where the Sisters will support the apostolic work of our priests. Counting already with three American sisters, it is foreseeable that the Sisters will eventually make a foundation in the United States.

For more information please contact:


  1. Dear Reverend Fathers,
    May God bless your colourful and nourishing website. We celebrate the Traditional form of the Roman Rite once a week at Prinknash, but only for lay visitors. Also the first Sunday of the month.
    Please keep us in your prayers
    Father Mark Hargreaves o.s.b.
    Prinknash Abbey, Gloucester, England UK

  2. This sounds like a beautiful religious congregation. I am wondering if anyone would know if there are prayers published in honor of the Royal Heart of Jesus. Any assistance is appreciated.

    John Doucette

  3. I am wondering if someone could E-Mail me information about becoming a member of this particular blog. I would very much appreciate it. Thank you so much!. May the Heart of Jesus be loved and adored.

  4. I would like information about becoming a member of this blog, if that is possible. Thank you so much!

  5. What are all the 1962 Rite-only convents? Thanks

    1. @Alan Aversa:
      The female Orders with the convents where we celebrate with the Rite 1962 (extraordinary form by Motu Proprio Summorum Pontificum), in addition to the Adorers of the Royal Heart, are:
      - the Notre Dame de l'Annunciation Abbey, based on Le Barroux, in France, founded in 1979 as a female branch of Sainte Magdalena, founded by Père Calvet;
      – the Mothers of the Holy Cross, with general house in Tanzania, founded in 1976 by Sister Maria Stieren, of Benedictines Missionaries of Tutzing, ad by Father Cornelio Del Zotto, of the Minor Friars;
      – the Regular Canonichesses Of the Mather of God, founded in France in 1971.
