Saturday 18 October 2008

F.S.S.P. 20th Anniversary Rome Celebrations...

by J.P. Sonnen

Glory be, FSSP have taken over Rome!

They were all over the streets and churches of Rome earlier this week. At the tombs of the blessed Apostles Peter and Paul, at the papal audience on Wednesday and just this morning all of their European seminarians arrived from their Seminary of St. Peter in Wigratzbad, Bavaria!

Such a treat to see so many countless FSSP priests, seminarians, families, friends and benefactors crawling all over the City in such a spirit joy and prayer and thanksgiving! A twenty year celebration is a big event and such a youthful religious order in the life of the Church is a true blessing that takes ones breath away.

And to celebrate their twentieth anniversary they even just unveiled a really nice glossy covered commemorative book - a book packed with lots of really nice photos illustrating their twenty year "pilgrimage". What I saw was in French, but a must for every family.

This evening Vespers was sung from the Liber Usualis at the FSSP Rome parish, Ss. Trinità dei Pellegrini. The church was packed with countless clergy and laymen alike. As one kid remarked afterwards: "Wow, I never saw so many birettas together in one room!"

Then it was off to dinner for everybody atop the cobbled streets of Rome!

But the highlight? Before Vespers in walked "De Magistris the Great." He is known as perhaps the most beloved of old Vatican prelates. With a smile he entered the sacristy to greet everybody and offer a few warm words of hearty congratulations to all.

More photos available at the Orbis Catholicus blog.

(reproduced from Orbis Catholicus)

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