[Please to note: At the request of the initiators, we give you notice that the Carmelite Sisters of the Transfiguration initiative was unsuccessful and efforts to establish this group have been discontinued. We maintain this post in the hope that it may inspire others to take up the cause of traditional religious life for women. "Gather up the fragments that remain, lest they be lost." Jn vi, 12 Ed.]
A new initiative in traditional religious life, the Carmelite Sisters of the Transfiguration, as they hope to be called, have established a blog to draw together kindred souls who may wish to be formed in the great Carmelite tradition as a semi-contemplative congregation of sisters devoted both to prayer and to the apostolic work of educating Catholic young ladies.
A new initiative in traditional religious life, the Carmelite Sisters of the Transfiguration, as they hope to be called, have established a blog to draw together kindred souls who may wish to be formed in the great Carmelite tradition as a semi-contemplative congregation of sisters devoted both to prayer and to the apostolic work of educating Catholic young ladies.

St. M. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross
One of the inspiriations for their apostolate is the words of St. M. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross, known in the world as Edith Stein, in her essay Problems of Womens' Education:
"If we can institute an independent Catholic system of education for girls, we shall be defending in this way not only the threatened position of women in cultural life but also we shall be taking part in the great struggle of the spirit against materialism and biologism in the struggle for Christ's kingdom against all unchristian and anti-Christian movements and trends."
The first step, that of making the decision to begin, has been taken, and the next step of gathering the future sisters into a programme of formation, is envisaged.
"If we can institute an independent Catholic system of education for girls, we shall be defending in this way not only the threatened position of women in cultural life but also we shall be taking part in the great struggle of the spirit against materialism and biologism in the struggle for Christ's kingdom against all unchristian and anti-Christian movements and trends."
The first step, that of making the decision to begin, has been taken, and the next step of gathering the future sisters into a programme of formation, is envisaged.
The Spiritual Life of the sisters will be grounded in the traditional Divine Office of the Breviarium ordinis fratrum Beatissimae Virginis Mariae de Monte Carmelo and the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite Mass - perhaps the Carmelite Rite one day! Other particular devotions will be the Seven Sorrows of Mary and the Most Holy Rosary.

Carmelite Sisters in Traditional Habit
(not the Sisters of the Transfiguration)*
(not the Sisters of the Transfiguration)*
*A kind visitor has advised us that this photo is actually of the Servant of God, Mother M. Angeline Teresa McCrory, O.Carm., and her Companions. Mother Angeline is the Foundress of the Carmelite Sisters for the Aged and Infirm and her cause for Beatification and Canonization is before the Holy See in Rome. For further information you can go to: www.carmelitesisters.com.
I would like to read more of this Carmelite Sisters, but i didn't see the her page... i need help!
Sorry for my english, i'm live in south america... thanks.
It seems that they've already gone 'behind the grille'. I don't think there's much we can do unless you want to leave a contact e-mail address here.
God bless you!
The sisters have now completed their formation with the Elysburg Carmel and are now in their convent near the FSSP chapel of St. John Vianney in Maple Hill, KS. I believe they have at least 4 postulants already.
any additional information wbout these sisters (as it becomes available) would be most welcome! St. Edith Stein is such an amazing example!
Correction, these 4 new ladies are aspirants, and have not officially entered. God Bless.
Do you have any contact details for these Carmelites, I cannot access the blog website mentioned for further information?
You can contact Fr. Gordon at the above parish phone # regarding the sisters.
God Bless
You can call Fr. Gordon at the above # for the parish regarding the sisters.
God Bless
When you click on the link to the blog above (http://www.carmeliteteachingsisters.blogspot.com/), it says "this blog is open to invited readers only" and you should contact the blog author, but I can't find an e-mail address anywhere... Can someone help me?
Otherwise, can someone provide a "snail mail" address to contact the sisters? (I am very interested in this community.)
Here is the address:
Carmelite Sisters of the Transfiguration
c/o Fr. Gordon, FSSP
St John Vianney Church
14611B Waterman Crossing Rd
Maple Hill, KS 66507-8850
God Bless
The latest news on this community is that Father is now looking for a woman who can be a mother figure to the aspirants before actually bringing them in. Ideally, he is looking for someone who has experience in the religious life. So, right now the community is on hold until Father finds the right person.
Hi there,
Shalom. I am keen to know more about this group of Sisters. There is a few of us from Singapore who are ex Carmelite cloistered sisters, but did not take final vows when we left. We are still searching for a "right mixed" of contemplative/monastic non enclosed life. Its been almost 15 years since we left and are still praying for God to show the way.
Anyone know if there is a website of the Carmelite Sisters of the Transfiguration? I have a special devotion to this feast day 6th Aug of the Transfiguration. Many thanks. God bless
Hello! In addition to the information provided, here is a website set up for the parish which would like to help this order start. Please! This endeavor is still in progress - contact if you are interested.
Exactly how many traditional Carmelite convents are there in the U. S.?
Hello Veronica,
I'm fascinated by your story. Where are you now? Have you found an order you can call home?Please let me know how you're doing - your story is so interesting and potentially inspiring... Clare@claresturges.co.uk / film director / United Kingdom
Hello Veronica,
I'm fascinated by your story. Where are you now? Have you found an order you can call home? Please let me know how you're doing - your story is so interesting and potentially inspiring...
Please please write to me at clare@claresturges.co.uk
I would love to hear from you!
Clare Sturges
film director
United Kingdom, Europe
Hello Mary,
Thank you for this additional information. I wonder, did you ever hear from Veronica Cecilis, who has such a moving story?
I would love to hear what happened, please email me at clare@claresturges.co.uk if you have any information to share.
Best regards and god be with you.
Clare Sturges.
film director
United Kingdom, Europe
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