Wednesday 19 November 2008

First Mass of a Priest of the Institute of the Good Shepherd

A First solemn Mass was celebrated by newly ordained M. l'Abbé Stefano Carusi, IBP, in the Cathedral of Camerino, 18 October 2008, in the presence of His Excellency, Archbishop Francesco Giovanni Brugnaro, Archbishop of Camerino-San Severino Marche, who encouraged the young Priest during his homily.

The Entrance into the Cathedral

The city of Camarino was given to the De Varano family in the 13th Century. The University was founded in 1336. The last of the De Varano were killed under Cesare Borgia in 1502 and by 1545, the city had come within the Papal States. The Archdiocese, elevated to Metropolitan status in 1797 and united with San Severino in 1986, has a splendid number of Sanctuaries honouring Our Lady. Camerino was the cradle of the Capuchin Order.

The Ministers enter the Cathedral

The present Cathedral of Camarino was built in the early 19th Century to replace the Cathedral that had fallen into ruins in 1799, while revolutionary armies swept across Italy. It contains a 13th Century wooden crucifix and a 15th century image of Our Lady of Mercy, as well as the 'Arch of St. Ansovinus', who was bishop of Camerino in the 9th Century.

The Gloria of the Mass

The Episcopal Vicar of Camerino, Msgr. Blanchi, and members of the venerable chapter of the cathedral were also present in choir for the Mass.

The Assistant Priest was Don Francesco Gregori, pastor of the Cathedral; Deacon of the Mass was Don Matteo, IBP; Sub-deacon of the Mass was Don Ugo, IBP; Master of Ceremonies was Giorgio Lenzi, seminarian of the IBP; thurifer was Edward Van der Berg, of the London Oratory.

The Offertory of the Mass

The "Cappella del Duomo" beautifully interpreted the Missa Pontificalis of Perosi, before a crowd of faithful, many members of the Confraternities of the city, and members of the Sovereign Order of Malta.

Knights of Malta

This young Priest was ordained for the Institut du Bon Pasteur, the Institute of the Good Shepherd, which was erected as a Society of Apostolic Live of Pontifical Right on the beautiful feast of the Nativity of Our Lady, 8th September, 2006. In its Statutes, as approved by the Holy See, the Traditional Latin or Gregorian Liturgy is given to the Institute as its proper Rite, not merely an indulgence or exception.

The Ministers after Mass

The Institute has grown in only two years from the five founders to twenty members and about thirty seminarians. The Church of St. Eloi in Bordeaux is the Mother House of the Institute and it has Churches also at the Centre Saint-Paul in Paris, just north of the Louvre, at the Chapel of 'Bon-Jesus' at Marsailles, and two abandoned Parish Churches at Courtalaine and Ramboise, as well as foundations in Chilie, Colombia and Poland.

A Member of the one of the Confraternities of Camarino
Receives the Priest's 'First Blessing'

The Institute maintains two houses of formation, it's Seminary of Saint Vincent de Paul at Courtalain to the South West of Paris, outside Chartres, in a property formerly belonging to the Marquis de Gontaut Biron, and a House of Studies in Rome, close to the Vatican.

Ministers and Acolytes with the Archbishop after Mass

Interestingly, the Marquises de Gontaut Biron are related, through the Princesse de Marnay who married Charles de Gontaut-Biron, Marquis de Gontaut Biron et de Saint-Blancard, in 1837, to Cesare Borgia. However, of greater note is the lineal descent of the House of Gontaut from Geoffroi, Seigneur de Biron in the 12th Century.

The title of Duc du Biron, created in 1598 for Charles de Gontaut, both Marshal and Admiral of France, became extinct by the execution of Armand-Louis de Gontaut who, having participated in the Revolution and commanded an army against the heros of the Vendée, fell victim to the reign of terror. The arms of the House are a simple quartering of red and gold.

The Seminary of Saint Vincent de Paul can be contacted at:

Séminaire Saint Vincent de Paul,
18, place Alexandre Rillié,
28290 Courtalain,

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