Saturday 1 November 2008

New Edition of the Roman Breviary Ready to Order

by Gregor Kollmorgen

The website about the new edition of the Breviarium Romanum is now online at complete with an order form.

This is the new edition I first mentioned in this post. While the website offers all the information you want, I'll just highlight a few things.

The Breviary fully complies with the rubrics of the usus antiquior, i.e. the codex rubricarum of 1960, and is canonically approved by the Bishop of Eichstätt, Germany.

The text of the psalms is that of the Vulgate (Gallican psalter).

It comes in two volumes in flexible leather covers, which I find a particularly practical feature which is sadly only rarely found in books these days:

It is a newly typeset edition (not a reprint), arranged in the traditional, two-column Breviary layout, and will have several other traditional features of the art of liturgical book-binding, arrangement and typesetting in the tradition of the great German liturgical publisher, Friedrich Pustet.

You can download more sample pages here.

It will also include four insert cards for each volume with the most frequent texts.

The price for the complete set will be EUR 198, i.e. as per today USD 252.28, plus shipping.

Now this Breviary edition is expected to be ready for shipping by the end of November/early December. Orders will be carried out in the order of their placement. Early orders should therefore arrive in time for Christmas even in the US by airmail.

In the interest of full disclosure I will again say that I have been involved in this project, although in a very minor role, by proofreading; my interest, however, is entirely liturgical, I will not receive any remuneration form the proceeds whatsoever.

You can read the preface to the Breviary by His Excellency the Most Reverend Gregor Maria Hanke OSB, Bishop of Eichstätt, here.

(reproduced from The New Liturgical Movement)


  1. What "hours" of the Divine Office does this include?

  2. Matthew,

    From what I understand it is the full Breviarium Romanum of 1961, which would be Matins, Lauds, Prime, Tierce, Sext, None, Vespers, and Compline.

    God bless,
