Wednesday 17 December 2008

House of Formation in Rome

The website of the Institute of the Good Shepherd House of Formation in Rome has recently been updated. It is in French but here is an unofficial translation of part of a recent update:
"If I go back on the events of this past November, I focus specifically on the catechetical responsibility which was entrusted to our seminarians and my appointment as vicar of the parish on the territory of which we reside . We would like first to thank the Parish Priest of the parish, Monsignor Sancha, and the Vicariate of Rome. This gives us great confidence that they thus honour us."

The pause between University Classes is always appreciated!

"This also shows how our specificities and the commitment of our Institute do not prevent a frank and full cooperation with parishes. There is great hope in recent years, and we must show that we can indeed work together for the greater service of souls and the Church. A reception was given for us and the fact that we are honoured with a number of tasks within the parish territory is not merely a cordial facade or a matter of convenience, but a mission with which we have entrusted."

L'Abbé de Cazenove with some of his students

"Is not it a heavy responsibility that one of our seminarians teaches thirty young people catechism every evening? For my part, there are countless confessions entrusted to me, lectures to give my new colleagues of the parish, tours of visitation to the sick, etc.. It is deeply significant to see how the Parish Priest sincerely respects our constitution and our statutes. The Roman House of the Institute of the Good Shepherd was originally intended to be the House of Formation for our seminarians studying for our second cycle of studies. Gradually, many fields of apostolate are opening to us, thus allowing these young future priests to be trained in the practice of their future apostolate at your service."

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