Sunday 8 March 2009

Pilgrimage to Wigratzbad for Priestly Ordination of British deacon

Pilgrimage of UK group to Priestly ordination of Rev William Barker:
Wigratzbad, Bavaria, June 26-29, 2009

Message from Fr de Malleray FSSP:

Dear Friends,

For the first time since the ordination of Fr Brendan Gerard, FSSP in 2006, a British deacon formed by the Priestly Fraternity of Saint Peter according to the Roman traditions of the Church is going to be ordained a priest in Europe. Rev William Barker, FSSP will be ordained a priest in Wigratzbad (Bavaria), the European international seminary of the Priestly Fraternity of St Peter, on Saturday 27th June 2009, by His Exc. Bishop Athanasius Schneider, O.R.C., Auxiliary Bishop of Karaganda in Kazakhstan (Archbishop Malcolm Ranjith wrote the preface to Bishop Schneider’s book Dominus est on Holy Communion).

We intend to have a delegation of British faithful. A rough estimate of cost for 2 days and 2 nights is £170/person. Includes all transportation with direct Ryanair flight from London Stansted, and bed & breakfast accommodation.

Depart from London Stansted airport on Friday 26th June 2009 at 1.50pm. Arrival back at London Stansted on Sunday 28th June 2009 at 5.30pm (return flight £65.94, as of today)

Follow in the footsteps of Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger who, on Easter Sunday 1990, visited the motherhouse and first international seminary of the FSSP and offered Holy Mass. With the FSSP (a priestly society of pontifical right now numbering 350 members worldwide; see, come and pray with and for this future British FSSP priest.


If you are interested in this pilgrimage, please leave a comment here with contact details. (All comments are moderated for your privacy.)

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