Wednesday 25 March 2009

upcoming Masses in Sweden, Finland, and Estonia

by Fr Tim Finigan

The website for the Finnish Apostolate of the Priestly Fraternity of St Peter has announced that Father Benjamin Durham FSSP will visit Sweden, Finland, and Estonia during Passion Week leading to Palm Sunday. He is celebrating Mass, leading the Stations of the Cross and giving a one day retreat:-

Heliga Korsets församling, Eskilstuna, Sverige
Holy Cross parish, Eskilstuna, Sweden
Tue March 31
• 18.00 Holy Mass
• 19.00 Way of the Cross
Wed April 1
• 19.00 Holy Mass

Pyhän Olavin seurakunta, Jyväskylä, Suomi
Saint Olav’s parish, Jyväskylä, Finland
Thu April 2
• 17.15 Holy Mass

Pyhän ristin seurakunta, Tampere, Suomi
Holy Cross parish, Tampere, Finland
Fri April 3
• 18.00 Holy Mass

Pyhän Henrikin katedraali, Helsinki, Suomi
Saint Henry’s Cathedral, Helsinki, Finland
Sat April 4
• 15.00 Holy Mass

Cathedral of Saints Peter and Paul, Tallinn, Estonia
Sun April 5 (Palm Sunday)
• 11.00-18.00 One-day retreat (more information shortly)
• 15.30 Holy Mass (with Palm Procession?)

The photo shows Fr Durham saying Mass in the Blessed Sacrament chapel of St Henry's Cathedral, Helsinki, on his last visit.

1 comment:

  1. I will be in Helsinki at the start of September -- is there a traditional Mass in or near Helsinki on September 4th? Thanks! Elizabeth
