Friday 19 June 2009

The Dominican Sisters of the Holy Ghost

One of the powerhouses of traditional Catholic culture in France for several decades and one of the first feminine Latin Mass congregations in union with the Holy See, the Domincan Sisters 'of Pontcalec' have, at long last, launched an internet site.

The Dominican Sisters of the Holy Ghost is a Congregation of Pontifical Right within the Dominican Order.

In imitation of St. Catherine of Siena, and following an ancient form of Dominican Religious life that had disappeared from France since the Revolution, the Sisters are simply consecrated Dominican Virgins.

The Community Office is celebrated in Latin according to the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite.

As the Constitutions of the Congregation state: "Since the institute belongs to the Order of St. Dominic, where we seek holiness in the contemplation and the transmission of divine truth, the sisters must apply according to their ability to diligent studies in order to penetrate only the truth and teach only the truth."

In the spirit of those Constitutions, the Sisters run six schools in France: Notre Dame de Joie (Pontcalec, Brittany), St. Thomas (Pontcalec, Brittany), St. Catherine (Nantes, Brittany), St. Pius X (St. Cloud, near Parish), St. Dominic (La Baffe, Lorraine), and St. Joseph (Draiguignan, Cote d'Azur).

The Sisters can be contacted by writing to:

Rev. Mère Marie-Geneviève,
Couvent Notre-Dame-de-Joie,
56240 Berne,

Or by telephone to: +33 2 97 36 62 03

1 comment:

  1. Joan Patricia Plante19 March 2012 at 11:35

    I would like to take this opportunity to write to the world wide web about your beautiful community at Notre Dame de Joie at Pontalec-par-Plouay, in Brittany, France.

    As I am reviewing the pictures, it brings back wonderful memories of my visit from September 1976 to April 1977. I am absolutely positive that the grounds of Notre Dame de Joie are very holy and very spiritual by the closeness to Almighty God, Our Lord and His Blessed Mother along with the Community's patron, Saint Dominique. I strongly believe Almighty God has always been watching over the religous Nuns of Notre Dame de Joie and has showered each and every religious with abunant graces and special graces since the close of World War II.

    While it may not have been evident at the time of my stay, I am positive that in living The Religious Constitution practiced by The Meres of Notre Dame de Joie. In practicing the articles of their religious Constitution, I strengthen my spiritual interior life, developed built up my virtues of COURAGE and FEARLESSNESS in pursuing what is morally right and not what is easy.

    I remember a visit to, then, Reverend Mother Superior's Office, Mere Marie Dominique, relating to prolonging my visit a little longer. I indicated to Mere Marie Dominqiue that I felt God's presence as well as His abundant graces flowing down from Heaven upon this Holy Community and the grounds.

    I remember Mere Marie Dominique's response as if he happened yesterday. She indicated to me that God had a special plan for me. She further indicated to me that "you are an American, and you will be able to think and understand the Americans back in America." Mere Marie Dominique indicated to me that Almighty God had a very, very BIG job and important work down the road.

    I believe that BIG Job and important work commenced in December 1988 with The United States Department of Agriculture, International Programs in Boston, Massachusetts.

    I strongly believe while visiting Notre Dame de Joie and practicing the religious Constitution of this community, my interior life was strengthen by the in dwelling of The Holy Ghost,and my prayer life built up and stored the graces and blessings to sustain me down the road. I truly believe that in living and practicing the article of the religious Constitution of Notre Dame de Joie and by the religious examples of these Holy religious nuns, I strengthen and super developed my virtues of COURAGE AND FEARLESSNESS.

    My prayer for each of you is that May Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ and His Blessed Mother, Our Lady, enfold each and every Mere in Their Love and Protection each day of your earthly and spiritual life.
    I have wonderful and beautiful memories of my religious life while at Notre Dame de Joie as well as the walks through the forests wondering if there were any wolves lurking about.

    Thank you so much. I have special memories of each and every Mere from my visit back in September 1976 through April 1977.

    In Domino,
    Joan Patricia Plante
    United States Constitutional Officer
    U. S. Department of Agriculture
    International Programs
    Post Office Box 416
    Saratoga Springs, New York 12866
    United States of America
