Friday 3 July 2009

The Voice of... Pope Clement XIV

On 21st September, 1769, Pope Clement XIV issued his Encyclical Decet Quam Maxime condemning financial abuses by the Clergy.

"In keeping with Our apostolic office and its obligations, We propose these things to you. If you rightly carry them out, they will aid the splendor of ecclesiastical discipline, the tranquility of your consciences, and the best guidance of your flocks. We do not think that they will be burdensome and harmful to you, although they will somewhat reduce your customary emoluments. Even the least suspicion about you is absent in view of your exemplary piety, proven religious sentiments, and your zeal for preserving ecclesiastical discipline whereby what till now was gain for you will in the future be considered a loss for Christ. You will place your true gain in this alone, that the worship of God be ever increased, that the people committed to you be more easily and felicitously fed by your word and example."
Decet Quam Maxime, No. 41.

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