Saturday 15 August 2009

Traditional Vocations - Black is 'the new Black'

The New York Times reports:

"A new study of Roman Catholic nuns and priests in the United States shows that an aging, predominantly white generation is being succeeded by a smaller group of more racially and ethnically diverse recruits who are attracted to the religious orders that practice traditional prayer rituals and wear habits..."

"...They are the generation defined by the Second Vatican Council, of the 1960s, which modernized the church and many of its religious orders. Many nuns gave up their habits, moved out of convents, earned higher educational degrees and went to work in the professions and in community service. The study confirms what has long been suspected: that these more modern religious orders are attracting the fewest new members..."

1 comment:

  1. It's a fact! :)
    And when the aging liberal bishops and curia are succeeded by these present recruits then ... we'll have more Masses in the Extraordinary Form :)
