Saturday 10 October 2009

New IBP House of Formation in Chile

Eight new acolytes of the IBP in March 2009
The IBP South American blog carries more good news of the expansion of the Institute of the Good Shepherd. (Google Translation)
Having run out of space in their Seminary in Courtalain in France and being rather short of space in their House of Studies in Rome, the Institute of the Good Shepherd has found it necessary to convert its house in Chile into a House of Formation. Thus, this is the first Spanish Language House of Formation of the IBP, something of a relief, no doubt, to the professors of the extremely polyglot Seminaire St. Vincent de Paul. You can contact the new House of Formation by contacting:

P. Rafel Navas
Froilán Roa 4594,
Santiago- CHILE.
Telf.: (56-02) 2949184

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