Tuesday 12 January 2010

Canons Regular of St. John Cantius Vocations Reminder for Prayers

December the 23 in the year of Our Lord 2009 was an important day for the Canons Regulars of St. John Cantius as the newly entered novices (who entered this summer)

"were vested on the Feast of the Assumption with the Roman cassock. Now their religious habits are amplified as they are vested with the Rosary of the Blessed Virgin, the fascia with fringe, and the Roman Collar."
This all took place in the beautiful parish of St. John Cantius Catholic Church in Chicago, IL.
The Canons Regular of St. John Cantius do indeed wear a Roman cassock with a fascia (more commonly called a cincture) around it. Wrapped around the cincture itself is a black colored Rosary of the Blessed  Virgin Mary. A Roman collar is also worn. This beautifully shows that these men are not only dedicated to the beautiful traditions of the Latin (Roman) Rite of the Catholic Church, but the fact that they wear that big, black rosary shows also their dedication to the Blessed Mother.

These vestments are more clearly seen in the following picture:

Notice the canon on the far right side  of the photo photo. There's no way that his rosary will go unnoticed. To those who are discerning a vocation to the Canons Regular of St. John Cantius: you ought to consider praying the Rosary as often as possible. For, just as any good Catholic mother gladly prays for her children and their vocations, our Blessed Mother will do the same for us. Our Blessed Mother indeed loves the priesthood, thus she loves the seminarians in a special way, and she wants to protect them. Welcome her into your life--into your vocation! Could there be more of a traditional thing to do? Look at St. John, one of the first bishops of the Church, he indeed welcomed Mother Mary into his vocation at the command of Christ as He suffered on the cross. Carry a rosary in your pocket, what a defense for your vocation! Not only is it such a powerful spiritual weapon, but if you one day do so happen to become one of these canons, you'll be ready to carry that rosary around as a witness to the love of God through a devotion to Mother Mary (in having that rosary around the cincture). How greatly does this speak of Mother Mary's love and protection of chastity while the rosary is wrapped around the reminder of chastity/humility (the surplice/cincture)?

We should all also pray for the Canons Regular of St. John Cantius: their parish, their priests, novices, etc.

Other news from the Canons-Regular:


Return on Saturday, February 6 at 6:00 pm for a Piano Recital by Concert Pianist Ana Fau. Click here to get your tickets to hear music of Handel, Debussy, Tchaikovsky and more.
(from: http://www.cantius.org/go/news/detail/musical_concerts_at_st_john_cantius/)

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