Saturday 23 January 2010

FSSP Vocation Days in Nebraska

The Confraternity of St Peter is in the early stages of planning a vocation camp for May 2010. The details will develop over the next few months, but for now we would like to hear from any family interested in participating.

The idea is that families who come for ordinations on May 22 at Our Lady of Guadalupe Seminary might stay for a couple of extra days. Their children can then participate in activities either at Our Lady of Guadalupe Seminary (for boys) or the Carmel of Jesus, Mary and Joseph in Valparaiso (for girls). It would end on Monday evening with a talk for all given by one of the Priests.

Details have yet to be finalised, but we are looking at some places where fathers and sons and mothers and daughters might "camp" to keep expenses down. Of course you can stay at local hotels if you prefer.

If you would like to put your children on the list or receive more information as it becomes available, email Tish Gallagher at tish5 at, or call +1-916-223-3112. This will be a really wonderful opportunity for young people to spend some time with Priests and religious and learn about life in the Seminary or Convent, and also have a lot of fun at the same time.

(reproduced from Cum Petro, the periodical of the Confraternity of St Peter, Winter 2010)

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