Friday 1 January 2010

reminder: Blog Help Wanted


One of the authors of this blog intends to retire from blogging by Easter. If you have time to help out with this blog, and see it continue, please leave a comment, or email markadm at catholic dot org.

All comments are moderated, hence private comments can be left which will remain unpublished.

1 comment:

  1. Great blog. I love your pictures. I am Fr. Lawrence Donnelly, parish priest of St. Jude's Parish and Shrine in Vancouver, Canada. (Olympic city of 2010). I have a blog you can find at "". I am hoping to begin a community of priests, seminarians, and laymen who are interested in living in common according to the Oratorian ideal. I am looking for men who are interested in being a part of this endeavour with the eventuality of erecting a bona fide Oratory of Saint Philip Neri. The kind of individuals I am looking for are men who love the Church and her traditions, are open to the use of both the Roman Missal of 1962 and the Novus Ordo, and are seeking to live our their vocation in traditional community life as a family of priests and brothers animated by the spirit of Saint Philip Neri.
    In my parish we have one Mass according to the 1962 Missal every Sunday. The other three Sunday Masses on the Sunday are in English with the Latin ordinary in Gregorian chant. There is daily exposition of the Blessed Sacrament six days a week during the day.
    The bishop has given me permission to explore the possibilities and is encouraging. On the parish property there is a good-sized convent building that will accommodate the proposed community. If you could post this comment, I would be grateful. I would like to hear from people who would be interested in this project. My email is
