Sunday 17 January 2010

Sons of the Most Holy Redeemer Seminarians Assist in Texan Cathedra

On Monday, January 11 in the year of Our Lord 2010, the Sons of the Most Holy Redeemer (Transalpine Redemptorists) graciously assisted Holy Mass during a Tridentine Rite (EF, TLM, etc.) Mass at St. Mary's Cathedral in Austin Texas.

According to the New Liturgical Movement:

"The Deacon was Fr. Tommy Chen, assistant priest at St. Cyril and Methodius Church in Shiner, TX, a parish which offers both forms. The subdeacon is Br. Jean Marie, FSSR, of the Translalpine Redemptorists. Other Transalpine Redemptorists functioned within this Mass as well."

This means that yet another Catholic Bishop in the United States has opened his Cathedral to Masses said in the Extraordinary Form from the Roman Missal of 1962 (every Sunday at 3:30 pm). Deo gratias! As a witness to this, the Transalpine Redemptorists themselves said that the Rector of the Cathedral of St. Mary himself celebrated the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass:

"This Solemn Mass was celebrated by Father Albert Laforet  the Rector of St. Mary's Cathedral, Austin, Texas."

 The New Liturgical Movement also provided pictures of the architecture in the Cathedral.

It is interesting how the altar has a tree carved onto it in stone--referencing more of the "Sacrifice" of the Mass--rather than focusing mostly on the altar being like a table (as many modern churches try to relate it to more often than the altar of Our Lord--the cross). You will also notice that this high altar has the tabernacle directly on it like a pre-Vatican II church would. Making notice of this, we come to find that there is, in fact, no Novus Ordo altar present here in this Cathedral at the time of this Mass. This is clearly seen in the photo below:

All that seems to be missing in the cathedral is the presence of the altar (Communion) rail.

The news of the Sons of the Holy Reedemer assisting this Mass does not only show the beauty of their traditional charism in the Church, but this also shows how they are being well accepted and welcomed into the Church ever since they left the SSPX (Society of St. Pius X)--just as the FSSP (Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter) did.

Another interesting fact about this Mass is that it took place during a time when the Diocese of Austin, Texas was having a priests' retreat in Belton, TX. What a great way to offer up prayers for the priests on the retreat if you were to offer up this Holy Mass for them.

Support the Sons of the Holy Redeemer by visiting their blog at:

1 comment:

  1. There was no Austin Bishop at the time of this mass. We have a new bishop now, and hopefully he will be gracious toward the TLM. [Pray for him.] Also, there is a standard "table" type of altar in the cathedral -- it was apparently moved for the Latin mass celebration. We used to have wood altar rails, but they were removed during a restoration a few years back. We can't complain, since the rest of the restoration stayed true to the cathedral, and was a far cry from the wreckovations endured by other facilities.
