Saturday 27 February 2010

Do I have a vocation? Monastery di San Benedetto...

by Alfiero Pirani

How do I know if I have a monastic Vocation? These are photos and video interviews, that start to answer that question, from young American Monks in Norcia, Italy:

american Roman Catholic Monks in Italy, following the Rule of St. Benedict of Nursia.

Founded in 1998, Rome , Italy, transferred to Norcia (Nursia) in the Umbria region in 2000. Recently Celebrating regular 'Extra-Ordinary' Form of the Roman Rite.

The Inspiration for the New Monastery
  1. The restoration of man by the worship of God;
  2. The radical gift of self to Jesus Christ in the monastic way of life according to the Rule of St. Benedict: Nihil amori Christi praeponere (RB 4:21);
  3. The common life of brothers as described in the Acts of the Apostles (they were of one heart and one mind);
  4. Full monastic observance, including vigils and fasting;
  5. The integration of prayer, study and work;
  6. Liturgical life:
    • Divine Office as prescribed in the Rule
    • Mass and Office in Latin, sung in Gregorian chant;
  7. Love of the Church:
    • Cultivation of the attitude sentire cum ecclesia;
    • Drinking deeply from the streams of the living tradition;
    • Fidelity to the Magisterium, filial devotion to the Holy Father;
    • A truly "catholic", i.e. universal spirit, acquired from studying in Rome, at the heart of the Church;
  8. Apostolic work, our contribution to the new evangelization: intellectual, clerical and manual work in the service of the universal Church; pastoral care of the Basilica of San Benedetto, Norcia;
  9. Marian consent: openness to the will of God after the model of Mary's fiat.
For More Information, Please Contact:
Very Rev. Cassian Folsom, O.S.B., Prior

Monastero di San Benedetto
Via Reguardati, 22
06046 Norcia (PG)

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