Saturday 28 August 2010

Transalpine Redemptorist Final Profession

On August 15th 2010, the feast of the Immaculate Conception, Br. Martin Mary, F.SS.R. made his final vows in the Congregation of the Sons of the Most Holy Redeemer on Papa Stronsay. His mother, father, sister and two brothers were also there for the occasion, and his father and brothers sung in the schola. This video is mostly made up of clips from the ceremony. In the evening we held our annual bonfire and BBQ, to which the residents of Stronsay are also invited, to celebrate the profession and the feast.

More photographs from the occasion are available here.

Monastery Address:
Golgotha Monastery Island

Papa Stronsay
Orkney, KW17 2AR
Scotland, UK

1 comment:

  1. most profound and inspiring. blessings on you each in this special order pleasing to our heavenly father.
