Friday 4 March 2011

Building Religious Communities - Part V


Ora pro populo, interveni pro clero, intercede pro devoto femineo sexu!


  1. It is to some degree a violation of valid judgement to post this video of these British nuns, who are indeed the Franciscan Missionaries of the Divine Order of nuns founded in Great Britian shortly after World War I, and which grew impressively with many vocations until the early 1980's, when they discarded this beautiful habit in favor of layclothes, and adopted a radical femminist agenda and warped, inter-religious dialog sense of Catholic missionary work.
    They were very late in adopting the radical liberal agenda of so many other Orders of nuns across Europe and the USA that it was amazing that they held out for so long as traditional nuns.
    But, after their radical liberal transformation, they have collapsed and declined like all the rest.
    Before Vatican II, and up until the late 1970's, they had about 460 sisters, with a very young median age, and many vocations.
    Today, after about 25 years of increasing radicalism, they have less than 270 sisters, with a median age approaching 70.
    This photo of their Motherhouse shows a community packed with many sisters and many vocations.
    Today, if they have 20 sisters left at the Motherhouse and 2-3 vocations there...they are lucky.

    That is why these photos should not be posted because they give the wrong impression that this is still a flourishing and traditional Orders of nuns in which we should thank God and take great pride. When in fact they are radical layclothes dissidents and femminissts who have closed most of their missions, and are now, like so many radical Orders, just waiting to die out.

  2. I don't think anyone could be fooled by a black-and-white clip that is obviously old into thinking that life is still like that there. I also believe that posting the clip is a valid exercise to show that WAS successful, when these religious communities were thriving because they WERE traditional.

    God bless you and all the other anonymi!

  3. I am so disappointed, I couldn't get this video to play, but by the pictures I thought they were new. I was thinking of contacting them. Darn!! It figures.
