Monday 17 August 2015

How you can help this blog

Do you want to help out this blog in promoting and spreading traditional Catholic vocations?  Here are some things that you can do to help out this blog:

Spread the word!

  • Can you feature this site on your blog?  Or ask your friends to do the same?
  • Would your oratory, chapel, parish, or diocese feature this in a newsletter or on a website?  Would you ask them?
  • Are there other websites we should be featured on or linked from?

Let us know!  After all, this blog is designed to encourage vocations, so people need to see it!


  • Can you translate materials about the societies, institutes, and communities listed here out of their original languages and into English?  

Be our eyes and ears

  • Is there content we ought to feature?  If so, tell us!
  • Do you have information on courses of studies in various seminaries, entrance requirements, website links?  
  • Do you have personal experience of or with one of the communities featured here?  Share your experiences with us!
And, if you know of any others discerning their vocations, point them to this blog!

Use the Contact Form in the sidebar to submit information or contact us.

May the Lord send us many holy priests, monks, and religious sisters and nuns!  

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