Wednesday 2 September 2015

Abbey Saint-Joseph de Clairval

The Abbey of Saint Joseph de Clairval is located in the diocese of Dijon, France.  The Abbey is a community of monks living according to the Rule of Saint Benedict in obedience to the Catholic hierarchy.

"By their consecrated life, the monks affirm the primacy of God and the goods of the world to come in imitation of Christ chaste, poor and obedient" (John Paul II, March 25 1996).

Saint Benedict wanted to open his monastery mainly for the eternal salvation of a great number.” (John Paul II, May 22 1980)

According to the Benedictine spirit, the liturgical life constitutes the center of the monk's day. Faithful to its own charism, the Saint Joseph Abbey organizes five day spiritual retreats and also publishes a spiritual letter which is sent free to those who request it (in seven languages, French, German, Spanish, Catalan, Italian, Dutch, and English).

The community's liturgy is the Novus Ordo, at request of the local bishop, using Gregorian chant and in celebrated ad orientam, but many of the monks offer Mass according to the usus antiquior, while the Divine Office is done in Latin and Gregorian chant, using the Breviarium Monasticum adapted to the modern Roman liturgical calendar.

This community was the focus of a post at New Liturgical Movement in 2010.

Abbey Saint Joseph de Clairval
Telephone: 33 3 80 96 22 31
Fax 33 3 80 96 25 29

The Abbey will also take Mass intention requests in the number of one individual Mass, a novena of Masses (9 consecutive Masses), or Gregorian Masses (30 consecutive Masses).  You can find more information at their website under "Information - Masses."

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