Sunday 20 July 2008

Can you help us?

“What earlier generations held as sacred, remains sacred and great for us too, and it cannot be all of a sudden entirely forbidden or even considered harmful. It behooves all of us to preserve the riches which have developed in the Church’s faith and prayer, and to give them their proper place…”

– Pope Benedict XVI in his Letter accompanying Summorum Pontificum

For five months now this Traditional Vocations blog has been featuring Traditional societies and religious orders using the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite. We need your assistance to continue this.

In particular, there are many Traditional societies, institutes and religious communities which are not listed here, mainly because we cannot locate information about them in English. Could you translate materials about them out of their original languages and into English?

Alternatively, if you know of communities not featured here, with information in English, then please do comment!

Here are some other things you can do to help:

Spread the word!
  • Can you feature this site on your blogs? Or ask your friends to do the same?
  • Would your Parish or Diocese feature this in a newsletter, on a website? Would you ask them?
  • Are there other websites we should be featured on, or linked from?
Be our eyes and ears
  • Is there content we ought to feature? If so, tell us!
  • Do you have information on courses of studies in various seminaries, entrance requirements, website links?
  • Have you personal experience of one of the communities featured here? Share your experiences with us!
And remember, if you know others discerning their vocations, point them this way! May the Lord send us more holy Priests, monks and nuns than we can know what to do with!


  1. Pax
    which ones would you like translated into English (From French)?mail me let me know..also on my blog, i have some \English write ups about the \french communities.

  2. Monache Annunziate Turchine in Genova, Italia

  3. Fraternità della Divina Misericordia,
    Pietrarubbia, Italia

  4. Thank you!

    Can anyone translate something about the two Italian communities listed?


    Maybe you can indicate which communities I have missed out from France?

  5. I am from the Philippines and I am really praying for a Traditional institute here. I am currently discerning for a priestly vocation and am praying that I may be able to say the Traditional mass.

    Thank you.
    Jim Lopez
