Saturday 26 July 2008

Photos from ICRSS Ordinations

The New Liturgical Movemement reports that the Institute of Christ the King has now released a comprehensive collection of photographs from recent priestly and other ordinations hat took place inside the beautiful Santi Michele e Gaetano church in Florence, Italy.

Here is a selection:

This year's new seminarians of the Institute after having been invested with the soutane:

Minor orders being conferred by Bishop Basil Meeking (em. of Christchurch, NZ):

Ordination to the Diaconate, also by Mgr. Meeking:

Priestly ordinations by Archbishop Raymond Burke, Prefect of the Apostolic Signatura, in the Institute's splendid Florentine church:

Mgr. Burke vesting - you can see that he is wearing the rochet under the amice:

The newly ordained concelebrating:

The ordaining bishops were Bishop Basil Meeking, Emeritus of Christchurch, and Archbishop Raymond L. Burke.

Please see the website for more photos.

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