The Institute of the Good Shepherd have informed us that their excellent initiative, a congregation of Apostolic Sisters known as the Little Sisters of the Good Shepherd, whose foundation has previously been reported in CHRISTVS REGNAT, now situated in the Diocese of Fréjus-Toulon, is ready to admit candidates to a year of spirituality to begin in September, 2010. Young ladies who are less than 35 years of age and of good character can contact the Little Sisters:
By e-mail at: soeursdubonpasteur@hotmail.frBy telephone at:
By post at: Les Petites Soeurs du Bon Pasteur,
Presbytere,17, Rue Marceau,
83830 Bargemon,
The Little Sisters are affiliated to the Institute of the Good Shepherd and are directed by M. l'Abbé Henri Forestier, I.B.P., formerly rector of the Institute's Seminary at Courtalain. The Spiritual Life of the Sisters is founded upon the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite. Please spread the news to all!
Notre Dame de la Bergerie, priez pour nous!
I have visited this foundation twice with view of discernment. The latest situation is as follows:
They are now not linked with the Institute of the Good Shepherd. Their bishop has asked them to change their name. They are now the little Sisters of the Mission of Holy Mary (Petite Soeurs de la Mission Sainte Marie). Sister can be contacted at
They are traditional apostolic with strong emphasis on the Holy Rosary and catechism.
Dear ESabeth,
Please consider writing an entirely new post giving the most up-to-date information of this congregation.
God bless you!
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