Thursday 24 April 2008

Carmelites Monks of Wyoming

In a solitary monastery under the Rocky Mountains in northern Wyoming, the Carmelite Monks of Wyoming seek to perpetuate the charism of the Blessed Virgin Mary, living the Marian life as prescribed by the primitive Carmelite Rule and the ancient monastic observance. This new monastery of contemplative monks lives a life of faithful orthodoxy to the Magisterium, where joy and peace abound in a manly, agrarian way of life. The Carmelite Monks wear the Holy Habit faithfully, which includes the brown Carmelite scapular and white mantle of our Lady of Mount Carmel. These young Roman Catholic monks live a full, reverent, and traditional Carmelite liturgical life, with the Divine Office and the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass being prayed in Latin with Gregorian Chant.

The following video is highlights of an interview on the EWTN show Life on the Rock:

Desiring to become great saints, this community of strictly cloistered contemplative men has a vehement longing to live the entirety of the customs and charism established by Ss. John of the Cross and Teresa of Avila in the Discalced Carmelite Reform, namely: strict monastic enclosure, two hours of contemplative prayer daily, study and spiritual reading, and manual labor. The Carmelite monk may aspire to be a lay brother or a priest who celebrates the Sacraments, gives spiritual direction, and preaches retreats to the monastery retreatants. Once mature in the spiritual life, a Carmelite monk may aspire to become a solitary hermit in the mountains, alone with the Alone. With a burning love of God and a missionary zeal for souls, the Carmelite monk immolates his life in the vows of obedience, chastity and poverty for the Holy Roman Catholic Church and the entire world.

The Monastery also produces the Mystic Monk coffee brand.

Carmelite Monastery
P.O. Box 2747
Cody, WY 82414-2747
(the Monastery itself is actually in Powell, WY)

1 comment:

Andrés García Torres said...


Soy un sacerdote Español. Tengo mi parroquia en una ciudad extraradio de Madrid llamada Fuenlabrada. La parroquia abarca unos 18.000 habitantes.

Está dedicada a la Virgen de Fátima.

Me encanta el espíritu del Carmelo.

En la parroquia tenemos la imagen y la reliquia de la Beata María de Jesús Crucificado "La Flor de la Tierra Santa".

Me gusta mucho el espíritu de estos hermanos. He percibido en ellos el verdadero espíritu del Carmelo, fundado por San Juan de la Cruz y Santa Teresa.

¡¡¡No cambien¡¡¡ Son los hijos de SAN ELIAS.

Pidan por mi parroquia.

P. Andrés García Torres
Parroquia de Ntra. SRa. de Fátima
Calle Gazaperas, 15

Tfno. 916975446
